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By Laws



Section 1. Election and Appointment

a. The Vice President/President-Elect shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association to serve a three-year term. The Vice President/President-Elect will automatically progress to the offices of President and Past President the succeeding years provided that they remain a member in good standing with the Association.

b. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association in alternate years to serve staggered two-year terms.

c. The Directors shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association to serve staggered two-year terms, three each in alternate years. The Directors of Membership Development, Annual Programs, and Technology Initiatives will be elected in one year, and the Directors of Business Operations and Communications, Strategic Initiatives, and Technology Initiatives will be elected in the next.

d. The President shall become the Immediate Past President following the Annual Conference for a one-year term.

e. The Annual Conference Coordinator shall be appointed by the Vice President/President-Elect within 60 days of the date of the summer meeting, or when it becomes vacant, for a two-year term.

f. The Immediate Past President shall submit a Slate of Nominees for election to the membership as follows:

1. Preferably at least two names for the office of Vice President/President-Elect to serve a one-year term.

2. Preferably at least two names for the offices of both Secretary and Treasurer to serve a two-year term.

3. Preferably at least two names for the offices of each of the Director positions up for election in that year.

g. If a position for the slate is vacant, the voting representative from any member institution may make nominations from the floor at the Annual Business Meeting. Additional nominations for positions which have confirmed candidates will not be accepted.

h. To be elected, a candidate must receive the highest number of votes cast at the Annual Business Meeting. In the event no candidate receives more than 50% of votes cast, a runoff election will be held between the candidates who received the highest number of votes.

Section 2. Vacancies

a. In the event of a vacancy of any Executive Board member with exception of President or Vice President/President-Elect, the President will appoint an individual to complete the remainder of the term in question.

b. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President/President-Elect shall automatically become President for the remainder of the term of office for which the President was elected. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice President/President-Elect, the President will direct the Immediate Past President to convene nominations and select qualified candidates and to conduct a mail or electronic ballot to assure replacement of the incumbent within 60 days of notification of vacancy.

Section 3. Terms of Office

The term of every Executive Board member, with the exceptions of the Treasurer and Annual Conference Coordinator, shall begin at the close of the annual conference immediately following election and conclude at the close of the corresponding annual conference at the end of their term. The Treasurer’s term shall end at the close of the fiscal year following the second annual conference after which they were elected and upon completion of the transfer of accounts. The term of the Annual Conference Coordinator shall begin immediately upon appointment and end by the summer meeting of the year following the Annual Conference or once the Coordinator has completed the necessary closure tasks.


Section 1. The Vice President/President-Elect shall appoint two Engagement Coordinators for each professional-level affinity group.

a. Appointments shall be made within 60 days prior to the annual Conference. Appointments are effective at the Executive Board meeting immediately following the annual conference.

b. Engagement Coordinators shall serve a two-year term, except for the first year when this position is created.

c. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall solicit Engagement Coordinators from anyone currently able to serve each professional-level affinity group.

d. The Vice President/President-Elect shall stagger the appointment/reappointment of Engagement Coordinator positions each year to provide continuity for each professional-level affinity group.

Section 2. All Coordinators, Committee Chairpersons and Committee Members shall be appointed by the Vice President/President-Elect. Appointments shall be made within 60 days prior to the Annual Conference, with the exception of the Annual Conference Coordinator. Coordinator and Chairperson appointments are effective at the Executive Board meeting immediately following the Annual Conference.

a. All Coordinator positions and Committee Chairpersons may serve renewable two-year terms at the pleasure of the Association.

b. The Vice President/President-Elect shall solicit Leadership Council members from the general membership.

c. In the case of co-chairs/co-coordinators, whenever possible, both should not be replaced at the same time.

Section 3. In the event of a vacancy of any Coordinator or Chairperson position, the Vice President/President-Elect will appoint an individual to complete the remainder of the term in question.


Section 1. The President shall:

a. Preside over all meetings of the Association.

b. Preside over all meetings of the Executive Board and/or Leadership Council.

c. In consultation with the Executive Board, state those MACUHO Strategic Plan goals which they intend to pursue and ensure their inclusion in the first issue of the MACUHO newsletter published after the beginning of the term of office, as well as posting on the Association website.

d. Call at least two meetings of the Executive Board and/or Leadership Council during the term of office. One such meeting shall occur at the Annual Conference of the Association.

e. Present a report outlining the state of the Association and ensure its inclusion in the first issue of the MACUHO newsletter published after the conference, as well as posting on the Association website.

f. Represent the Association at the ACUHO-I Annual Conference and Exposition, attend the NEACUHO Annual Conference as their guest, and organize the MACUHO regional reception at the ACUHO-I Annual Conference.

g. Fulfill all duties necessary to ensure that the association meets the expectations presented in its constitution. h. Plan and organize the Leadership Council and Committee Member Training Program along with the other Executive Officers.

Section 2. The Vice President/President-Elect shall:

a. Assume the duties of the President in the latter's absence or in the event of the resignation.

b. Serve one year as Vice President and officially assume the Presidency following the Annual Conference.

c. Provide direction to the MACUHO Executive Board and/or Leadership Council and serve the needs and interests of the membership in accomplishing goals set for the year.

d. Complete responsibilities as assigned by the President.

e. Conduct the Time and Place process for the next Annual Conference.

Section 3. The Secretary shall:

a. Serve a two-year term.

b. Be the official correspondent for the Association and carry on the required correspondence and record keeping of the Association.

c. Record, transcribe, and distribute the minutes of the Annual Business Meeting of the Association in accordance with Article V, Section 3 of the Association Constitution.

d. Record and transcribe the minutes of Executive Board and Leadership Council meetings as well as other official meetings of the Association designated by the President.

e. Work with the Archives Coordinator to ensure all historical data is submitted and stored.

f. Direct and coordinate the update, on a regular basis, of all official documents except for the Finance Document.

g. Coordinate the annual award process.

h. Ensure the MACUHO committee information is updated annually and published on the Association website.

i. Maintain the MACUHO History, soliciting and adding entries from Past Presidents as needed.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall:

a. Serve a two-year term.

b. Assist in preparation of annual committee budgets and ensure proper recording of all expenditures against budgets.

c. Maintain appropriate records of all funds dispersal and income and submit periodic reports to the Executive Committee and the membership.

d. Maintain appropriate bank accounts for checking and savings in FDIC insured accounts.

e. File all necessary government forms.

f. Oversee the work of the accounting firm engaged by the Association and coordinate the selection of the firm as necessary.

g. Have a biannual audit of the Association's books performed at the close of the term.

h. Ensure the MACUHO Finance Document is updated and published annually.

i. Oversee MACUHO’s investments and provide an annual written report to the membership of its status.

Section 5. The Immediate Past President shall:

a. Serve as advisor to the Executive Officers, Executive Board, and Leadership Council.

b. Solicit and submit to the Executive Board a slate of nominees for Vice President/President-Elect, and Secretary or Treasurer, and three Director positions at least thirty (30) days before the Annual Conference.

c. Conduct the Association's elections at the Annual Conference.

d. Assist the President in research and historical projects as needed.

e. Maintain contact with the Association’s Past Presidents and organize the Senior Housing Officer Roundtable at the Annual Conference. (Directors and Annual Conference Coordinator)

Section 6. The Director of Membership Development shall:

a. Work with the Engagement Coordinators to plan and execute initiatives that further engage members of the Association.

b. Collaborate with Engagement Coordinators for articles for Association publications.

c. Assist in outreach programs to recruit and retain old and new members of the association.

Section 7. The Director of Training and Development shall:

a. Work with the Association and its respective volunteers and committees to further enhance training and development opportunities for both student and professional staff members in our association.

b. Collaborate with the Personal and Professional Development (PPD), Diversity Committee, and Recognition and Connections (RAC) committees, and the chairs of the Lisa A. Pierce Volunteer Incentive Program for Students (VIPs), to support the annual conference along with other programs aimed at supporting our development goals.

c. Will initiate new programs utilizing new technology, including but not limited to a webinar series focused on enhancing training opportunities for our members, in addition to existing annual programs.

Section 8. The Director of Business, Operations and Communications shall:

a. Work with the Association and its respective volunteers and committees to further enhance the business operations within the association as well as overseeing the branding and marketing of the organization itself.

b. Develop an integrated marketing communications program and support initiatives such as the development of newsletter, recruitment materials, electronic communications, and other promotional elements.

c. Address the operation needs of our members including but not limited to Assignments, Billing, Dining, Facilities, Operations, and Marketing.

d. Be the liaison to the Coordinator of Sponsorships, the Magazine, the Housing and Facilities Operations Committee, and the Exhibits and Displays Chair.

Section 9. The Director of Annual Programs shall:

a. Work with the Association and its respective volunteers and committees to support the planning, development and execution of vital annual programs for the association. 

b. Collaborate with and provide oversight for the Annual Program Committee, Student Staff and Live-In Conference (SSLI), the Mid-Atlantic Placement Conference (MAPC), and regional drive-in conferences along with programs aimed at fostering personal connections, networking opportunities and training.

c. Support programs such as the Inclusion Summit and Housing and Facilities Operations Drive-In.

Section 10. The Director of Strategic Initiatives shall:

a. Work with the Association and its respective volunteers and committees to support the Strategic Planning and historical knowledge for the association.

b. Collaborate with the Archives and Strategic Planning coordinators to support the strategic initiatives and execution of the Strategic Plan.

c. Collaborate with Executive Board and Leadership Council members to create long term goals and development for the Association.

Section 11. The Director of Technology Initiatives shall:

a. Work with the Association and its respective volunteers and committees to support use of technology within the association, its officers, and committees.

b. Collaborate with all committees to insure the effective and efficient use of technology in all programs and services offered to the Association.

c. Be the liaison to the Webmaster, System Administration Coordinator and the Social Media Coordinator.

Section 12. The Annual Conference Coordinator shall:

a. Oversee coordination, planning and execution of the Annual Conference of MACUHO and ensure the Annual Conference achieves its stated purpose and vision.

b. Organize volunteers to join the Annual Conference Committee and execute tasks, including but not limited to, registration, philanthropy, entertainment, budget coordination, sponsorships, marketing and volunteer recruitment.

c. Identify sites and project budgets for future conferences.

d. Compile Annual Conference report to be submitted and approved upon completion of their conference.


Section 1. The Engagement Coordinators shall:

a. Be responsible for attending meetings of the Executive Board or Leadership Council as needed and coordinating all MACUHO activities and services within their professional-level affinity group.

b. Maintain communication with all MACUHO members that identify within their professional-level affinity group and take steps necessary to ensure that they can adequately represent the concerns and/or interests of those members to the Executive Board and the Director for Membership Development.

c. Serve as liaison with and promote publication of the MACUHO Magazine.

d. Take steps to promote contribution to and interest in the Annual Conference of the Association.

e. Assist in the promotion coordination of the nomination process for MACUHO officers as directed by the Immediate Past President. Assist the Immediate Past President with the election process at the Annual Business Meeting.

f. Assist in the recruitment and engagement of new and existing members as directed by the Director for Membership Development.

Section 2. Committee Chairs and Coordinators shall:

a. Establish committee goals related to the Strategic Plan and monitor progress toward goal achievement for the year.

b. Propose a committee budget and monitor expenditures.

c. Ensure that all committee members are fully informed of committee progress.

d. Provide reports at Leadership Council meetings and a written end-of-the-year report.

e. Attend Leadership Council meetings as needed and contribute to overall improvement of MACUHO.

f. Prepare and distribute minutes of all committee meetings to appropriate Executive Board liaison and Archives Coordinator.


Section 1. Meetings of the Executive Board and/or Leadership Council will be held on a regular basis as scheduled by the President. All meetings of the Executive Board and/or Leadership Council are open to any member. Members of the Leadership Council may be asked to attend Executive Board meetings.

Section 2. Meetings may be held by telephone, or other method, so long as all participating members may simultaneously hear and speak with each other. An Executive Board member participating in such a meeting is deemed present for purposes of a quorum.

Section 3. The Executive Board may use telephone, computer, mail, fax, or email to make any decision or take any formal vote or action that is within its power. A clearly stated motion must be sent or presented by the President to all members of the Executive Board, along with clear instructions that this process requires a vote of “yes, no, or abstain” from each member in response. If the formal request is sent by mail or fax, then it must be signed and returned by mail or fax by each member. If it is sent by email then each member must send their vote in an emailed reply, and in that case no signature is necessary. Motions are adopted and effective on the date that all members in office have responded, with the official number of votes needed to pass.

Section 4. Within the Executive Board and Leadership Council, Executive Officers and Directors have voting rights. The Annual Conference Coordinator and members of the Leadership Council are non-voting members. The President shall vote only in cases of a tie.


Section 1. Only residential life and housing officers of member institutions shall be eligible for elected office. Individuals with associate memberships are not eligible for elected office but may serve as committee chairs and on standing and special committees.

Section 2. If a member of the Executive Board is not fulfilling their association job duties, or for just cause, the President or Immediate Past President shall recommend their dismissal to the remaining members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board Member in question shall have five business days to respond in writing prior to the Executive Board making a final determination, with a two-thirds vote needed to approve a removal from office.


Section 1. Executive Board members have a responsibility to the members of the Organization and as such a duty to seek out and understand the interest of the membership. They shall remain accountable to acting in good faith to serve the interests of the membership and must discharge their duty of loyalty and their duty of diligence in l good faith with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances and in a manner they reasonably believe to be in the best interest of the Association.

Section 2. No officer or member of the Executive Board will receive any compensation for fulfilling the responsibilities of a member of the Executive Board or of an officer as defined in these by-laws. However, the Association may pay compensation to officers and members of the Executive Board for other services performed as employees or independent contractors as long as the required rules for conflicts of interest are followed. Committee members and their relatives who receive regular compensation from the Association must always constitute less than a majority of the Executive Board. Officers and members of the Executive Board may receive reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the course of fulfilling their responsibilities.

Section 3. A conflict of interest is always present whenever the Association pays money or other compensation, or provides any tangible benefits, to an officer or member of the Executive Board or to a member of their family. All transactions involving conflicts of interest must be approved using the following procedures:

1) Conflict of interest transactions must be approved by the full Executive Board.

2) Executive Board members who have a conflict of interest in any matter must

a) declare the existence of any direct or indirect conflict of interest,

b) disclose its nature on the record, and c) abstain from voting on that matter. The minutes must record this to show that it was done.

3) The rest of the Executive Board must analyze the transaction and sufficient information to ensure that all transactions involving a conflict of interest are fair to the Association and that no special benefits are being given to any person. The information relied upon by the Board, and its source, must be recorded in the minutes.

4) All conflict-of-interest transactions must be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the Executive Committee who do not have a conflict of interest involved in that issue, provided no less than two disinterested members vote to approve the transaction. All Executive Board Members must sign a disclosure of all conflicts of interest and update it if that disclosure needs to be changed.

Ratified January 1986

Amended 1992

Amended September 1993

Amended October 1999

Amended November 2001

Amended October 2011

Amended October 2018

Amended February 2019

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