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MACUHO’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan


Where Are We Now - Progress on Year 3 Goals

MACUHO’s current strategic plan has 5 main strategic themes, Finances, Technology, Community, Equity & Inclusion, and Housing & Facilities Operations. Overall, the strategic plan has 27 Goals with 89 Implementation Strategies to help us complete our goals. There were 6 goals for Year 3 (2023):

  • 1.4 MACUHO will create financially-responsible conferences that maximize experience for minimal cost
  • 1.5 MACUHO will evaluate the value added features of the current Corporate Partner Program and recommend changes 
  • 2.4 MACUHO will establish a comprehensive online presence, engaging members through social media and the MACUHO website
  • 2.5 MACUHO will evaluate and secure sufficient online file storage solutions to benefit leadership transitions and committee/coordinator responsibilities
  • 3.2 MACUHO will provide targeted outreach to create opportunities for undergraduate student leadership participation
  • 4.2 MACUHO will support marginalized staff members through online and in-person communication and affirmation efforts

Below are the Year 3 Goals and corresponding Implementation Strategies that the Leadership Council and Executive Board were expected to complete in 2023.

  • Goal 1.4 MACUHO will create financially-responsible conferences that maximize experience for minimal cost
    • Implementation Strategies:
      • IN PROGRESS: Treasurer and Director of Annual Programs will create template zero-sum budgets for all conferences to assist teams with planning and preparing conference budgets
      • IN PROGRESS: Treasurer and VIPS Chairs will develop a long-term plan for the Pierce Endowment Fund and when finances will be available to assist VIPS expenses
        • VIPS task force created to explore long-term plan for Pierce VIPS program.
      • COMPLETED: All conference teams (Annual Conference, MAPC, Social Justice Symposium, SSLI, etc.) must report within one week to the Treasurer any expenses that potentially exceed projected conservative revenues mitigation
        • MAPC 2023 increased revenue and SSLI moved to an online format to be more affordable.


  • Goal 1.5 MACUHO will evaluate the value added features of the current Corporate Partner Program and recommend changes 
    • Implementation Strategies:
      • Sponsorship Coordinator will develop new assessment tools in order to receive improved feedback from Corporate Partners
        • IN PROGRESS: Exhibitor benefits compared to corporate partner benefits continue to be revised. Working group in progress.
      • Exhibits & Displays Chair will compare and contrast the benefits for exhibitors vs Corporate Partners
        • COMPLETED: Corporate Partner program revised with identified levels and benefits to vendors. 


  • Goal 2.4 MACUHO will establish a comprehensive online presence, engaging members through social media and the MACUHO website
    • Implementation Strategies:
      • IN PROGRESS: Social Media Coordinator will publish updates during MACUHO events, engaging attendees in the process
      • COMPLETED: Director of Technology Initiatives and Social Media Coordinator will train all MACUHO Leadership Council members with regards to social media best practices
        • Established use of MACHO branding in all communications. 
      • COMPLETED: Social Media Coordinator will create their own content, educate members on how to submit social media requests, and post requests from the Executive Board & Leadership Council
        • Social media request form is updated to be more user friendly. 


  • 2.5 MACUHO will evaluate and secure sufficient online file storage solutions to benefit leadership transitions and committee/coordinator responsibilities
    • Implementation Strategies:
      • IN PROGRESS: Webmaster and System Administrator Coordinator will organize and consolidate current online storage into one larger web database
        • Files moved to MACUHO owned Google Drive from West Virginia University owned Google Drive to ensure long term access. 
      • IN PROGRESS: Archives Coordinator will systematize older documents (minutes, budgets, reports) into sub-pages for committees and coordinators to access readily in database
        • There is still a  solution needed for extensive Archives storage.
      • COMPLETED: Leadership Council members will complete quarterly reports and they will be sorted into committee and coordinator specific online folders to assist with continuity
      • IN PROGRESS: Executive Board and Leadership Council members will use MACUHO email accounts and Google Drive folders instead of personal accounts
        • Majority of EB and LC positions have a MACUHO email account in use.


  • Goal 3.2 MACUHO will provide targeted outreach to create opportunities for undergraduate student leadership participation
    • Implementation Strategies:
      • IN PROGRESS: SSLI and VIPS Coordinators will develop and maintain an ongoing roster of undergraduate attendees to track potential professional involvement in MACUHO
        • Not available due to the format of 2022 SSLI conference but in progress for 2023. VIPS have an ongoing roster.
      • IN PROGRESS: SSLI Coordinators will create a mentoring program for new professionals who attend Student Staff & Live-in Conference
      • COMPLETED: VIPS Coordinators will introduce past VIPS members to MAPC as a long-term career opportunity
      • IN PROGRESS: Recognition & Connections Committee will create at least two new initiatives to connect and support undergraduate student leaders
        • Created MACUHO Award for Student Staff (1 per campus, any student team members that displays excellence in community building). 


  • Goal 4.2 MACUHO will support marginalized staff members through online and in-person communication and affirmation efforts
    • Implementation Strategies:
      • IN PROGRESS: Social Transformation & Advocacy Committee will solicit and maintain monthly Diversity Blog entries, announcing updates through social media.
      • IN PROGRESS: Social Transformation & Advocacy Committee will expand current Affinity Group participation through online connections, meetings, or mentoring opportunities.
        • Monthly affinity group meetings are scheduled on the website and available for any member. 
      • IN PROGRESS: Social Transformation & Advocacy Committee will invite panelists and host institutions for the annual Social Justice Symposium from Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)
      • IN PROGRESS: Director of Annual Programs will invite marginalized professionals to be featured and/or keynote speakers at conferences.
      • COMPLETED: Vice President and current Leadership Council members will recruit leaders and members with marginalized backgrounds.
      • COMPLETED: Recognition & Connections Committee will provide the option for mentees in the LINK program to request mentors that share social identities.
      • IN PROGRESS: MACUHO Magazine will include submissions by professionals of marginalized identities and highlight professionals of marginalized identities.


As we reflect on the progress made with the 2023 goals, we know there were multiple challenges we faced this year, including: 

  • Many of this year’s goals are ongoing goals that we need to revisit regularly to ensure we continue to accomplish them in our work
  • There is still an ongoing impact of COVID-19
  • Professional development fund challenges has impacted involvement
  • Turnover in Executive Board and Leadership Council positions impacted consistent execution of goals throughout the year


As we look forward, we will consider:

  • Progress is already underway for Year 4 and 5 goals.
  • How do we move forward with the strategic plan and maintain consistency with position turnover?
  • How do we keep costs low given our current economy and knowing institutions will still limit professional development funding?


As we work to accomplish some goals still in-progress or not completed, we also look ahead to the Strategic Plan's Year 4 goals: 

  • Goal 1.6: MACUHO will retain and recruit new Corporate Partners/Sponsors for financial stability
  • Goal 2.6: MACUHO will provide consistent webinar opportunities for members
  • Goal 3.3: MACUHO will recruit members from institutions with no recent involvement
  • Goal 4.3: MACUHO will educate its membership on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion with a focus on race, gender, and sexuality
  • Goal 5.4: MACUHO will develop a database and network of all Housing and Facilities Operations professionals, vendors, and sponsors in the region
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